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Wellness Packages

ātmaneem nature cure approach is different. Our aim is to create an experience where you are heard, understood, and are given the quality care that you deserve. You are not defined by your condition or disease, you are an individual with a unique medical history. We understand this, and do our best to provide the care that is personalized for you.

ātmaneem Rejuvenation

ātmaneem rejuvenation package provides a customized treatment program of every patient to fit their health condition, goals, and lifestyle.

Tariff rate per Day in INR
Type of Accommodation Single Occupancy Double Occupancy
Deluxe 7000 11000
Premium 8000 13000

*GST charges per Room per Day: Deluxe Room – INR 95 & Premium Room – INR 119

The above Wellness package tariffs include:

Some of our popular treatment plans include:

Wellness Membership

ātmaneem believes in being part of you and your family's long term wellness journey. With that intention, we now offer exclusive wellness membership to help you avail atmaneem’s services at a much lower price!

  Days Years Price
Deluxe 70 7 Rs. 5,50,000
Premium 70 7 Rs. 6,50,000

Membership benefits includes attractive offers and discounts

*Special Therapies

Therapy Duration (mins.) Rates in INR per session
Deluxe colon hydrotherapy 45 to 60 2200
Cryolypolisys therapy 45 2200
Personalized Yoga therapy 35 to 40 1000
Personalized Raaga therapy 30 1000
Aroma massage therapy 45 to 60 1500
Pinzichil (Special Ayurvedic massage) 45 to 60 2000
Sarvanga Dhara (Special ayurvedic oil bath) 45 1800

Additional Services Available

The following services are not included in the package rate and will be charged extra:

General Note

Reservation Policy

What to bring?

Please confirm your booking and amount with our team on +916356960960 before making the payment.
